What to look in a Krabi: sculptures the Whitechest the Eagle and a life Boat

What to look in a Krabi: sculptures the Whitechest the Eagle and a life Boat

Скульптура Краби лодка жизни      What to look in a Krabi? Answers to this question are numerous posts on our site. Only the Krabi-town is in one weight of sights, in particular monuments executed on any subjects, any size and with use of a various material. In this article it will be a question of two sculptures – Nok Awk and a life Boat.

      Statue of Nok Awk or the Whitechest a sea eagle. As it is possible to guess – it is a question of an eagle with a white breast.
In the nature the present sea eagle reaches 60-69 centimetres. It has white feathers on a neck, a breast and a tail, while wings of an eagle and a back of brown-grey colour.
Нок Awk hunts in the afternoon. Its habitual inhabitancy are trees. The reproduction period is necessary on a cold season during which time eagles usually postpone only 2 eggs. When young birds reach 2 months, they should find an own nest. Adult eagles find to themselves pair and equip own territory.
In a Krabi is one steam of such sea eagles. They nest on rock Kanaab Nam.

Скульптура Краби орел Хок Авк
      The sculpture of Nok Awk is established with assistance of municipality of a Krabi and symbolises universal knowledge, independence, responsibility and care of others.
«Fly highly, look far and achieve the object» – such motto is traced under a monument to the Whitechest to a sea eagle – Nok Awk.
One more sight of a Krabi-town – a life Boat. This sculpture of the modern art is established on quay. If to look it is literally, the made a hole bottom does not cause any associations and matches the monument name a little. Are assured that nevertheless there is interesting and quite explainable interpretation.

Памятник Краби лодка
      Read about what to look in a Krabi, in section: What to visit – in a heading: a Krabi.

Нок Awk 8.066774,98.917114
Boat of life 8.063155,98.91886