Our excursion to lake Cheo Lan from Samui

Our excursion to lake Cheo Lan from Samui

Шикарные виды в Таиланде      However …
The organisation of this trip passed dashing: for couple of days the command of adherents was generated, organizational questions have been solved and all have gone to a way.
We with the husband worried a little, but all has passed remarkably! Whether the joke – to go with us in Khao Sok have expressed desire 22 persons, from which 15 adults and 7 children! Besides, in our company people of different age – from 2 years and to 50 have gathered! Some it is literally a day before a trip for the first time have arrived to Thailand! And the type of transport was too ill-matched: two motorbikes, three cars. And, nevertheless – all was possible! In many respects thanks to participants of this car – moto – run. Thanks huge all for support!

Групповые туры
15.03.2014 г.
Day the first.

Forward – on Khao Sok!

Following on the ferry to continent, we have again received a good omen – before the beginning of our way has a little watered a rain, and the bright rainbow has appeared trace. Means, and this time we will be accompanied by good luck!


      In 11 mornings it is literally having reached lake Cheo Lan in national park Khao Sok, without being occupied in hotel, we have plunged on boats under the name long-tail (a long tail). In spite of the fact that our family has gone to travel on lake Cheow Lan in the second time, from surrounding beauty we have tested emotions not less bright! Besides, the explorer by a boat has carried us slightly on other route: keeping other side of lake, it bent around standing in the middle of a rock from an opposite side, called in in a narrow tunnel on which us did not take last time and so on. From what I have drawn a conclusion that different explorers carry the road, and each following trip will appear not less interesting and unforgettable!


Хороший отдых Тайская лодка
      Our friends by other Thai boat have whirled away far forward. We slowly caught up with them. The sun continually disappeared behind clouds, therefore the landscape changed in the face of. The lake under us became similar to a dark chasm, rocks covered clouds, paternal they seemed still above, and the vegetation around got juicy shades. It is truth, beautifully!

Туры в Као Сок Лучшее место на земле

Look on the left …, look to the right …,
Or sights of lake Cheo Lan

Having stopped at coast, we have reunited with the others and have gone on jungle of national park Khao Sok, which on assurances of scientific some millions years. So, slowly, we went, went, went …


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      Whether closeness before a rain, whether a sense of responsibility for the others, but this time road has seemed to me more long and more difficultly. I encouraged nearby going that we will already soon reach, expecting behind the nearest turn to see a lake to which we went. What simplification at last it to see was!
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      We have taken place on two bamboo rafts and have sent on errands competing in speed, doing informal rates: who will come the first. This time we were the first. 
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      Having missed each other with other tourists, our group full structure was included into cave Pa Ka Rung Cave. Two Thais accompanying us by a boat, kindly highlighted to us halls in a cave long lanterns made of fluorescent lamps. It appears, the touch which covers stalactites and walls in Pa Ka Rung cave accrues very slowly – all on millimetre a year, therefore to touch and iron stones around here it is strictly forbidden. To us have lighted lanterns in one of halls for the general photo and have shown a marvellous outgrowth similar to silhouettes of small elephants which and is called «11 elephants» that with English-Thai it is translated as «Eleven elephants». Having wandered a little more on a cave, we amicably poured out outside and have reached back coast.
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      Small roughnesses in a way sometimes meet. Unfortunately, on this trip we have faced greed of Thais which have already impaired a little money of tourists. We have decided not to spoil to ourselves mood and having paid off with the unlimited sum have gone further. Let they will feed the families and then, probably, become kinder!
Our groups settle again on “a longtail” and have floated to the second cave. For a long time has already passed for a midday and all the desire to bathe simply were burnt with while the nature has heard our requests and has sent a rain cloud. It is necessary to tell that this rain was not similar at all on usual, local. It was not tropical. There has passed very easy short rain, the such facilitated version for tourists that only it is a little of us to cool. And the temperature was rather warm so it is possible to tell to us has carried. As soon as we have reached the second cave Pra Kay Petch Cave and were unloaded on coast, the lake was covered with the second wave of a rain.

Часто ли идут дожди в Као Соке Дожди в Као Соке
      The Pra Kei Petch Cave can impress, only if to go far deep into it: in the middle of numerous halls outgrowths act, and tracks disperse every which way. Having wandered on small tunnels, it is possible to come to light absolutely through other exit. Only it is necessary to have at itself a small lamp and to move with limiting care.
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      Having cooled in time while there was a rain, in lake all have refused bathing, therefore us at once from a cave have carried in a gulf Babble and on coast.
Можно ли поехать в Као Сок с детьми Скала в виде индейца Проводник в Таиланде
      In the evening, the most proof, suited a small party directly at us on a porch. The responsible part of travel was behind. It was possible to plan next day.

16.03.2014 г.
Day of the second.

Were divided

On the morning, habitual structure: two motorbikes and three cars, we have gone on a viewing point from which perfectly it was visible dam Ratchprapha dam. Here it is possible to spend much time admiring surrounding views and doing photos. The weather again has pleased us: the sun has hidden for clouds and did not fry the March beams.
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      Having returned to parking, I have found an unusual picture: two generations of fathers and sons went for a drive on a tandem. One bicycle my husband with our son, another – Sasha with the father operated. Later, his mother has joined Alexander, and I have sat down on a bicycle to the son. Here such touching family bicycle races have taken place on a platform at a parking.
В Као Сок с ребенком
Чем интересен Каоо Сок Семейные туры в Таиланд О поездке на озеро Чео Лан
      Complexities with a ferry have forced us to be divided. Cars remained to wait the ferry on Samui, and we on motorbikes have driven further in Khanom.
Children have taken out the second day of travel with firmness. At first they fluctuated on a subject to stay the night once again on continent or to return on Samui, but having departed a little from road, have made decision to remain.
The big waves have raised mood, having cleared in us, adults, the childhood. We froliced in the sea, twisted a wheel on a beach and even have played volleyball. I hardly had time to catch the joyful moments on the camera. It was unforgettable!

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      By the night we have again got out to the sea to sit on a beach. A full moon. Light from the moon was such bright that on sand the accurate shade was rejected, and the ocean of is dark-silver colour was completely looked through to horizon, as in the afternoon. Huge waves in a moonlight looked in style of a picture of Ivan Ayvazovsky, only this picture was live.
In the morning the alarm clock has hardly roused us. One more day sated on events was coming.

17.03.2014 г.
Day the third.

Kind traditions

Holiday-makers have voted for a beach, therefore the majority of time has passed at the sea. The blessing we never spend time for nothing, therefore and here have thought up to myself entertainment. Having found in district polyfoam pieces, children have gone on them to submit eccentrical waves. To float in such abyss without special swimming means difficult, and so – quite another matter! It was very cheerful!
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      Before going on the ferry, we have taken a walk in beautiful places near to a beach and have called in in one of caves on the way to a Don Sak. Five minutes prior to departure, our five has jumped on six-hour ferry and from a main deck observed a decline.
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      For us to come back from travel on continent through beaches in a Khanom, has become a habit. They involve with absence of tourists, a kilometre coastal line and frequent waves. I am glad that at us began to appear more and more the good traditions, one of which – travel to the good company!
To all participants of this magnificent walk, once again we tell thanks! Has pleased that all operated amicably and were very benevolent. For such company to organise joint rounds it is a pleasure!
To new meetings!