Snorkeling on Samui

Snorkeling on Samui

Где понырять на Самуи      To dive with a mask and to swim for a while among flocks of fishes it is possible and near to Samui. Local Thai fishermen offer the best snorkeling on Samui near to islands of the Ko Tan and the Ko Mat Sum. It only in pair kilometres from coast and to overcome this distance it is possible by a Thai boat “a longtail” for 10-15 minutes. The snorkeling at island of the Ko Tan is worse nothing, than on a Ko Tao, costs more cheaply and the road occupies much less time.

      Thai enterprising fishermen offer 4 hour program of rest by a wooden boat with the diesel motor – “a longtail” that in translation from English means a long tail. A boat of really narrow and long form on the end with 4 metre screw drive.

Лодка на острова Ко Тан и Мадсум с Самуи

Коралловый риф возле Ко Тан Самуи

      The snorkeling program includes walk to island of the Ko Tan. Near its coral reef they drop an anchor and it is possible to bathe, dive with a mask directly from a boat which enters into cost of fascinating travel. Providently Thais take with themselves a roll of bread and give free of charge to tourists to feed and allure flights of fishes. The version and quantity of fishes pleasantly surprises, and water in quiet and solar weather pure and transparent. Flights of striped fishes at all are not afraid, the forage takes directly from hands, surrounding tourists from different directions, trying to tickle and pull out desired extraction. Except impudent fishes it is possible to see often not deeply at the bottom of the slopes masking under a natural landscape, and having sailed a little aside, if will carry to meet a sea turtle which sometimes approach to reef edge absolutely close.

Лучший снорклинг на Самуи

Коралловый риф на Самуи

Снорклинг на острове Самуи

      Near a reef of the Ko Tan it is possible to spend all time or, having dived with a mask, after a snorkeling in coastal waters of Samui at will it is possible to go on an island Madsum beach. To walk and bypass this very small islet it is possible on foot or to lie down on a sand and to sunbathe. In a disembarkation place in a shade of trees wooden tables and benches for the lunch brought with self are made.

Остров Мадсум Самуи

      After the expiration of 4 hours from island of the Ko Mat Sum of the had a rest tourists the Thai boat carries on Samui.

Snorkeling cost on Samui varies from 2000 to 4000 bath for a boat and depends on how to agree with fishermen. At the sight of a considerable quantity of passengers local businessmen put higher price though it is not reflected in their expenses in any way. Be quiet, polite, smile also a discount to you it is guaranteed.

Boats go from 9 mornings and before dark. In one boat passengers are located till 10-12.

Departure co-ordinates: 9.42002,99.957339

Good to you of rest!